Tower Swap News
Note: If you play on or, you were playing an old version! Get the latest version in the App Store or Play Store. With new items!
Support onPatreon
Game Update February 15, 2025:
- Changed: Allow chief to kick anyone any time.
- Fixed: Game disconnected sometimes after right click.
- Fixed: Silver tower art blinking.
Game Update February 10, 2025:
- Added: Show when users are online. Show what day they are on in war.
- Added: View a snapshot of other player's current war game.
- Added: The scrolls show how much more there is to scroll.
- Added: A little bug that blinks on the left of silver towers.
- Changed: By popular demand, you can't get a war chest if you didn't play in the war.
- Fixed: Using a donated item at night should not spawn more dragons.
- Fixed: When a player changes their name during war, you should still be able to donate to them.
- Fixed: The donated item should not overlap the End Day button.
- Fixed: Donating on Friday morning early before the new war is set up should not be allowed.
Game Update January 27, 2025:
- Added: View other clans list even when you're in a clan.
- Added: Donate an item for war. This can be used as an extra additional item. It not used in this war, it is returned.
- Added: 2 more frames for a smoother mother dragon animation.
- Added: Right click for info about towers/resources. Disabled other right clicks.
- Added: A blinking arrow on the speech bubbles that you can click to make them go away.
- Changed: Disallow rejoining a clan after you were kicked.
- Changed: Sort the tied-score war players by clan, instead of a random mix.
- Changed: Better flat button art, on clans list and donate button.
- Changed: Smaller download of the game.
- Fixed: Should show rank crown on bought avatars of the top 3 players.
- Fixed: Should show rank crown on the chief when you get there from clicking clan name.
- Fixed: When you open TowerSwap back to an old expired war game, it should not show your clan scores as empty after you quit that game.
Game Update December 20, 2024:
- Added: Option to not have to confirm every time you want to toss a tower into the water.
- Added: Option to arm your castle turret with a tower directly from your inventory.
- Added: Ability to kick new players to a clan that haven't played.
- Changed: When a dragon gets pushed off the gold path, it tries to get back on now.
- Fixed: When a dragon gets pushed into another lane, ballistas in that new lane can shoot it now.
Game Update August 28, 2024:
- Added: New level coming in war: Quake Castle
- Added: Back button when using an item so you can cancel.
- Changed: Use TNT any time without using the worker! TNT items replaced with TNT blasts, since they only had 1 stick anyways.
- Changed: Smaller download by 1MB. Only 4MB download on the web!
- Fixed: Scores being wrong on war levels after reloading the app in the middle of a game.
Game Update August 7, 2024: (android only)
- Added: A way to buy gold on Android.
- Changed: Smaller download by 1MB. Only 7.5MB app on Android!
- Fixed: On some screen sizes when you're logged out it would show the login page when you press play because the buttons were overlapping.
Game Update July, 2024:
- Changed: Allow scores 4000s and 5000s on Cannons Castle.
- Fixed: Set your name button.
Game Update June 28, 2024:
- Added: Change your username. Click the pencil icon on your profile next to your name.
- Added: Set your clan's best score ever required for users to join the clan.
- Added: Buying gold on CrazyGames.
- Changed: Clan chief can kick members inactive 15 days.
- Changed: Don't show Join Clan to new cg players that haven't played.
- Changed: No using treasure chests on Poor Castle.
Game Update June 17, 2024:
- Fixed: Using inventory items when you aren't in a clan.
- Fixed: Using inventory items from the pause menu.
Game Update June 10, 2024:
- Added: Special deal to arm your castle turret.
- Added: New level, Speed Castle for patrons and on some future wars.
- Changed: Speed up! Everything falls and merges 20% faster.
- Fixed: Sometimes it would say you don't have room for a prize chest when you do.
- Fixed: Sometimes it would say you have score over 6000 when that's not possible.
- Fixed: On android when you tap a web link, it will open in a web browser.
(CrazyGames shows v71) v72
Game Update April 4, 2024:
- Fixed: The next day sometimes starting (and thus your swaps go to 5) after watching an ad for an item from the merchant, or clicking on an anvil in the game.
- Fixed: Unable to view high score or kick or report users with usernames starting with cg_.
- Fixed: On iOS when you want to watch your first ad, it would sometimes show the gray loading screen forever.
- Fixed: On Android when lagging in login/signup it no longer gets stuck on that screen.
Game Update March 27, 2024:
- Added: New level, Poor Castle, playable in war soon. It has no treasure chests.
- Changed: Anvils cannot be used on other anvils.
- Fixed: Clans starting with a number were not showing up in the list or had an extra 1 at the beginning.
- Fixed: Armed castle turrets are not for sale to the merchant.
- Fixed: Sometimes opening a prize chest would count the gold that you got twice, showing you that you have more gold than you actually have.
Game Update March 13, 2024:
- Added: Silver/Gold Treasure chests have a chance of opening bronze/silver anvils.
- Added: The travelling merchant will sometimes sell bronze/silver anvils.
- Changed: Faster TNT explode.
- Fixed: Opening a treasure chest to get an anvil is fixed.
Game Update March 12, 2024:
- Added: You can use anvils while in your inventory to upgrade inventory.
- Added: Bronze/Silver/Gold anvils!
- Fixed: The clan messages are no longer blank after someone sent a message with @ symbol.
Game Update March 4, 2024:
- Changed: no longer allows games to have thier own login. You have to make a CrazyGames account then link it to your TowerSwap account. If you have multiple TowerSwap accounts, you have make multiple CrazyGames accounts and link each one to your TowerSwap accounts. Or just use the TowerSwap app.
- Changed: The merchant may sell a bronze tower if your castle hearts are full.
- Fixed: Your undo no longer gets lost when you try to drag something into the castle but can't.
- Fixed: The game no longer freezes when you toss a cannon out of a cannon slot and into the water.
- Fixed: After you make a clan then play, your first score will always save to the empty leaderboard, even if it's lower than your highest score ever.
Game Update February 9, 2024:
- Added: Supporter leaderboards.
- Changed: On it has to only use CrazyGames login now.
- Fixed: The "unlock this chest now" button is no longer grayed out just because don't have enough gold to unlock your other chests.
- Fixed: The gnome no longer freezes the game when you press the screen while he's offering to use an item.
- Fixed: The avatar menu no longer gets stuck open when you press a button while the menu is closing.
- Fixed: When you subscribe to the newsletter, the app realizes without you having to reload it, and does not say "email sent" unless it just sent you an email.
Game Update February 1, 2024:
- Added: Support TowerSwap on Patreon!
- Added: Patreon supporters can play any level any time, and skip ads.
- Fixed: If you use an item but the server is lagging and you press cancel, you can get your item back by waiting for it to cancel.
- Fixed: The app should know if your email address is already confirmed or not.
Game Update January 16, 2024:
- Added: New level playable soon: Lanes Castle!
- Added: Can merge your inventory while playing.
- Added: Can filter clans list by letter.
- Added: Can view clans that are full.
- Changed: The "Not Connected" message now shows that it's actually still loading and you can usually just press nothing and wait and it will reconnect.
Game Update December 14, 2023:
- Added: Lighter premium avatar tinting options.
- Fixed: When you pay to finish opening a chest it no longer shows the wrong cost, and also no longer temporarily shows that you spent more than you actually did until you get the gold from the chest.
Game Update December 12, 2023:
- Added: Ability to spend gold to open another prize chest while one is already being unlocked.
- Fixed: The travelling merchant can now sell items again.
- Fixed: Harder to cheat.
Game Update December 5, 2023:
- Broke: The travelling merchant that comes out of a treasure chest does not accept gold for items right now. He will be fixed in the next version.
- Added: Iceberg level coming soon.
- Added: A smaller font to allow longer profile taglines and clan messages.
- Added: Keyboard controls for scrolling menus.
Game Update November 10, 2023:
- Added: Avatar maker! And premium avatar tinting.
- Fixed: Game no longer resets when there's an error using an item.
- Fixed: Viewing the user's best score is no longer just a black screen on slow devices.
Game Update October 10, 2023:
- Added: 3D audio effect.
- Added: Use TNT after last swap as night falls.
- Fixed: Inventory showing correct numbers and image position.
- Fixed: On iPhone the sound still works after returning to the app.
Game Update September 24, 2023:
- Added: Volume sliders
- Added: Two-speaker (spatial) sound playing.
- Added: Undo button on screen.
- Changed: Undo is possible on your last swap with Safe Day End.
- Changed: If you Use Item during day end, it can match-3 before night.
- Changed: If you get disconnected then click quit, you still get a prize.
Game Update September 4, 2023:
- Added: Use an item any time, even during night!
- Added: The little builder might want to use an extra item for you.
- Changed: Asks if you're sure before tossing away a tower.
- Fixed: The merchant sometimes wants to sell again.
- Fixed: There is less lag when logging in and when loading clan high scores.
Game Update June 1, 2023:
- Added: Anyone can post short messages to the clan.
- Added: You can write a 1 liner of text on your profile.
- Added: The merchant sometimes wants to buy your towers.
- Changed: Matching 4 treasure chests gives you more swaps than opening one.
- Changed: Quit Game and Quit Clan buttons ask if you're sure first.
- Changed: Account settings are on a new page, rather than on your profile.
Game Update May 2023:
- Changed: Safe mode has 3 settings now. 1. Wait at day end. 2. Doubletap to open treasure chests. 3. Prevent tossing away towers.
- Changed: Silver treasure chest has 70 swaps again. Gold has 380. Swaps will only be reduced when a new item is added to the game to make it easier to beat old scores.
- Fixed: Social links.
Note on iPhone if you want to play a podcast at the same time as tower swap, you have to unmute sound/music then mute them again then play the podcast again.
Game Update May 2023:
- Added: Short clan descriptions.
- Added: Clan activity feed.
- Added: View clan before joining.
- Added: Safe Mode: Double-tap required to open treasure chests.
- Added: Safe Mode: Waits to see if you want to open a treasure chests before each nightfall.
- Added: Ability to toss away your towers. (when not on Safe Mode)
- Changed: Clan logo can only be changed by the clan chief.
- Changed: Inactive clan chiefs will lose thier chief status soon.
- Nerfed: Reduced swaps from silver/gold treasure chests by 7%. Gold chests had too many swaps. Sometimes you could use the swaps to make another gold chest and go infinite. To reduce gold chest swaps, silver chest swaps must also be reduced or it would be pointless to save up to gold, because you'd be better off always opening the silver immediately for 70 swaps.
- Note: Dragon amount/difficulty/AI has not changed at all in over a year. Dragons spawn in random positions regardless of your defenses.
Server Update January 2023:
- Added: Faster Server!
- Note: Emails on the new server might go to spam. Let us know.
Game Update November 2022:
- Added: You can filter the list of clans by amount of members.
- Added: A travelling merchant! Can you find him?
- Fixed: Clan list shouldn't get cut off after 900 clans.
- Fixed: Deleted users shouldn't be clickable.
- Fixed: When going to a profile and the server fails, it shouldn't log you out.
- Fixed: Long usernames should be trimmed in the clan view.
- Fixed: Clicking on your other prize chests while getting war chest shouldn't do anything.
- Fixed: Buying from inventory screen shouldn't gray out the buttons forever when the server is slow.
- Fixed: If you finish playing the war level a week after starting it, you shouldn't be allowed to replay the last week's war level again.
Game Update July 2022:
- Added: New level: Path Castle! Coming to war in a few weeks.
- Added: New report/delete account features.
- Added: New clan shield types! 3 color!
- Changed: Login loads faster. But is it still working for you? Let us know on facebook or reddit or discord.
Game Update October 2021:
- Added: You can merge items in your inventory to upgrade them!
- Added: Undo swap animation. Note: you can only undo your move if your move didn't cause anything new to drop in. Otherwise you could undo just because you didn't like what fell in, and then do something else instead.
- Changed: Ballista graphics look more unique and animated.
- Changed: The castle's armed towers now target the dragons better to not waste arrows.
- Changed: Profile now shows your highest score ever, instead of your highest since joining your clan.
Game Update September 2021:
- Added: Great Genie!
- Added: Genie avatar!
- Added: Clan wars!
Game Update July 2021:
- Added: Clan shields! Create your custom clan logo!
- Added: Clan members sortable by score.
- Added: An option to open an old prize chest to make room for the new one you're getting.
- Added: A refresh button to the shop, so you can see new items.
- Changed: The shop only lets you buy each item once.
- Changed: The game now always runs at the same speed on all devices. It will skip frames when lagging.
- Fixed: A bug was logging people out in the middle of their game.
Game Update June 2021:
- Added: A bonus swap when you chain 3 or more matches at the same time!
- Changed: Checks more things to prevent cheating.
- Fixed: A bug where a piece would disappear into the water when it wasn't next to the water.
Game Update June 2021:
- Added: Avatars!
- Added: 4th mother dragon so you can score in the 4000s now!
- Added: Sortable list of clan members by most active.
- Changed: Ice walls to be stronger by popular demand!
- Fixed: iOS weekend battle showing wrong level.
Game Update May 2021:
- Added: New special item, the anvil! Drag a resource into it to upgrade.
- Added: Player profiles. Tap on any player's name.
- Added: Ability to see a player's final defense. Tap on a score.
- Changed: Cannons now prefer more to shoot the direction they were pointing. Tap to flip.
- Changed: Gold and silver arrow towers are now smarter about what they shoot.
- Changed: Your messages now show whether or not they came from battle mode.
Game Update April 2021:
- Added: A new level called Cannons Castle!
- Added: 2 headed dragons!
- Fixed: Golden dragon! It deals on damage, and it drops gold when you hit it.
Game Update March 27, 2021:
- Added: Ability to buy extra starting hearts for your castle!
- Added: Vibrate effects on Android!
- Fixed: A bug where sometimes the devil wouldn't give you anything.
Game Update March 17, 2021:
- New Item: TNT! Tap to blast away everything you don't need!
Game Update March 11, 2021:
- Added: Devil's deals you can randomly find! Trade hearts for defenses!
- Fixed: In the iOS app sounds would sometimes stop working.
Wiki created!
- Started by Virtual Nomad

- Includes defenses, strategy etc. You can contribute to it also.
Game Update June 18, 2020:
- Now available in the App Store and Play Store!
- Added: New ice wall art.
- Fixed: Menu display shifting on iOS.
Game Update May 11, 2020:
- Added: When you lose connection to the server, it now tells you and lets you retry.
- Changed: Different artwork for prize chest vs in-game swap treasure chests, so that it's less confusing.
- Changed: Made it harder to hack your score.
- Fixed: When tiles fall in to make a match, they now always join into the one that fell most recently.
- Fixed: Leaderboard not showing to new users after their first play.
Game Update May 8, 2020:
- Added: New level! Isle Castle.
- Added: Now can arm the castle's towers with arrows!
- Added: Privacy policy and blog link.
- Added: More castle art and water art.
- Changed: Tier 2 defenses are not iron anymore, they are now bronze. Tiers are now: 1. The resource with some wood, 2. Bronze, 3. Silver, 4. Gold.
- Changed: Ice Wall and Ice Cube instead of Crystal Tower.
- Fixed: Notification amount display.
Game Update April 25, 2020:
- Added: Match-4 and Match-5 sound effects.
- Added: Can now buy resources, not just defenses.
- Added: Show preview of next challenge on friday night.
- Fixed: Using the same inventory item twice.
- Fixed: Display of chest menu while unlocking a different chest.
- Fixed: King display duplicated on tutorial and on ad chest gold.
Game Update April 10, 2020:
- Added: Weekend battles! Every weekend there is a global tournament playing a different level.
- Changed: Better speech bubbles.
Game Update March 19, 2020:
- Added: Lords of the leaderboard! Top 3 scorers in your clan get gold bonuses when other players in the clan play.
- Added: Scrolling menus.
- Added: Notifications menu.
- Changed: High Scores only shows the best 1 for each player.
Game Update January 25, 2020:
- Added: Chests as rewards!
- Added: Personal inventory of defenses you can use when you start a level!
- Added: Shows how many goals you've achieved on each level icon.
Game Update November 21, 2019:
- Added: Shows the score rank you just got even if it's not in the top 9.
- Change: Castles repair instantly.
- Change: Only show top 9 scores.
- Change: Overworld zoomed out again so you can see all levels.
- Change: Removed twitter link. They suspended my account for no reason. I have never even tweeted. I appealed and and no respone.
First they claimed that you don't have to supply a phone number to use Twitter. This is a lie.
If you don't confirm a phone number they lock your account and say your account did "suspicious" activity. This is another lie.
And you must confirm a phone number.
They do this on purpose for the goal of harvesting user information.
Game Update November 8, 2019:
- Change: New ledge art.
- Change: New shallow water art.
- Change: New cloud art.
- Fix: Scrolling clan list of members all the way down.
Game Update October, 2019:
- Added: You can now buy starting defenses with gold!
- Added: You can now scroll clan member list when there's a lot of members.
- Change: You can now repair the castle past 5 hearts. This will make repairing with stone more useful.
- Change: Silver and gold chests give more swaps. This will make it worthwile to save up chests.
News September 19, 2019:
Switched to AWS! The database loads much faster now!
I really had to switch from HostGator because they have a security module in effect that you can't disable.
It's supposed to help prevent hacks, but what it does is block any input that contains a left arrow and a quotation mark. So if a user enters "hi <3" the request is blocked and your PHP never runs.
News September 9, 2019:
Working on converting the server to Amazon AWS. This will speed it up. The host right now is pretty slow.
And it's annoyingly slow to go into the database.
Game Update September 2, 2019:
Tower Swap is now running on OpenGL! Now it should be 60 FPS on all devices that are supported.
My old Android tablet used to run the game at 11 FPS, now it's 60!
The game used to use the CPU to render the images. That was bad because on Android it doesn't give the full CPU power to web pages.
So even if the game was a native app, it still considers it a web page because it's running JavaScript.
My Android tablet can run a 3D canvas game with a lot of polygons but it can't even display a simple 2D canvas scrolling tile map without lagging.
Gotta make use of that GPU.
Also, now when a dragon gets hit with an arrow, it turns red, instead of blinking.
This is now possible because I'm using a webGL shader that supports color tinting.
Hopefully all this openGL stuff didn't break anything for anyone.
Game Update August 8, 2019:
Fixed: Prevented your browser from recommending your password when it shouldn't.
Change: On the tiny isle level, it now only requires 1 dirt to expand the ground. The level was too hard, impossible to get all 3 trophies.
Technically not impossible actually, in theory it could just keep dropping gold 1000 times in a row and then you get 600 swaps.
Game Update July 2019:
Added high scores! Added clans!
Game Update June 2019:
Added the tips on the loading screen:
- Towers shoot at dragons in all directions.
- Drag things off the side, if you don't want them!
- It's a puzzle game!
- Dragons come every night!
- Defend the castle!
- Dragons are fascinated that your mouth can make water!
- Don't let the dragons burninate the countryside!
- Always remember that you can repair the castle with stone!
- Don't tickle a sleeping dragon!
- Rome wasn't built in a day.
- When you match-4, you get an extra swap.
- Match 3 wooden chests to get a silver chest!
- You can quickly open a chest to stop night from falling.
- Drag dirt into shallow water to increase your land space.